
10 Super-Scenic California 公路之旅

10 Super-Scenic California 公路之旅


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高速公路1号, aka Pacific Coast Highway, 经过加州中央海岸大苏尔的公路之旅可能是金州最著名的风景. 但到目前为止,这并不是加州唯一一处风景优美、令人难忘的公路之旅. Consider one of these 10 classic road trips, rich with magical scenery like pounding surf, 起伏的群山, 瀑布, 和 plenty of wineries. Most make for a great weekend or even day trip. Choose your favorites from these trips, 从北到南,然后摇下车窗,出发.

Redding to Lassen Volcanic National Park
Prime Seasons: Spring 和 Summer

东北 沙士达山级联 region reveals a lot of California’s best-kept secrets. Start in Redding 和 head up I-5 to 沙士达山湖是加州最大的水库,也是钓鱼和水上运动的温床. 从re, drive past the 14,162-foot 山沙士达山; seeing it for the first time, John Muir once wrote, made his “blood turn to wine.” While you’re in the area, 不要错过 尖顶在 Castle Crags State Park. 接下来,沿着89号高速公路向南行驶,这是500英里公路的一部分 Volcanic Legacy Scenic Byway,转到 McArthur-Burney Falls Memorial State Park,中国的家园。 129-foot, fern-draped Burney Falls. 完成在 lovely, placid Lake Almanor, which neighbors the bubbling mud pots 和 steaming geysers of Lassen Volcanic National Park.

Highway 1 from San Francisco to 布拉格堡
Prime Season: November through April

This stretch of the highway, heading up the North Coast from San Francisco, 拥有与中部海岸同等多的海风美景. 当你穿过金门大桥进入索萨利托和马林县时, where you’ll encounter the coastal hills 和 redwoods of Muir Woods National Monument, followed by the dramatic sea cliffs 和 remote 海滩 of Point Reyes National Seashore.

从re, cruise through the rolling vineyards of 纳帕谷索诺玛县葡萄酒之乡. 然后探索北海岸看似未被触及的美景-从崎岖的海岸线 Point Arena-Stornetta Public L和s to the rugged terrain at 奇诺 Headl和s State Parkquaint, Victorian-style town of 奇诺. 接下来, head north on Highway 1 to 布拉格堡 和 explore MacKerricher State Park to see seals, 迁徙的鲸鱼 (从11月到次年4月),还有玻璃海滩(Glass Beach),那里看起来像是布满了珠宝.

纳帕谷’s 西尔维拉多路
Prime Season: Year-round

T这条路建于1852年,连接纳帕镇和卡利斯托加镇. 今天, 西尔维拉多路 runs parallel to the more bustling State Highway 29, 很容易到达金州一些最好的酒庄. 从纳帕镇(Napa)出发,一路向北,在酒庄(如 Reynolds Family Winery, 溪谷峡谷 in the Stags Leaps District, 和 bubbly-rich 沉默的纳帕. 想要保持悠闲的生活节奏,可以在当地一流的酒店住上一两晚,比如 太阳茄子, Solage Calistoga, or Meadowood 纳帕谷.

Lake Tahoe to Lone Pine or Yosemite National Park
长度:Lone Pine路线234英里,Yosemite路线215英里
Prime Season: Year-round on the Lone Pine 路线, May–November (weather permitting) on the Yosemite 路线

395号公路是高塞拉山脉的主干道,沿途有无数的风景奇观——从火山岩到瀑布,再到令人毛骨悚然的石灰岩凝灰岩塔. 这次旅行的任何一段都可能是它自己的多日冒险. 开始 南太浩湖,靠近田园诗 Emerald Bay State Park, 和 head south 向 Mono Lake Tufa State Natural Reserve to see the bizarre, ghostlike towers. 

继续 庞大的湖泊, 冬天你在哪里可以找到适合全家一起滑雪和单板滑雪的地方, 和 hiking 和 mountain biking in the summer. 从re, keep driving south to 主教 (买一些广受好评的牧羊人面包和三明治 Erick Schat’s Bakkery),然后是龙松镇(Lone Pine),这里是许多老西部电影的取景地 the photo-op-magnet, eight-foot 莫比乌斯拱门 阿拉巴马州的山.

另一条路线可以让你欣赏到约塞米蒂国家公园的自然风光, divert off Highway 395 to the seasonal Highway 120, 又名泰奥加山口, which is typically open May through November (check the 公园的网站 for the latest opening information 和 history). Exploring North Yosemite offers the chance to see 美女喜欢 图奥勒米草甸, Wapama瀑布, 以及在图勒姆或默塞德树林徒步旅行(或冬季雪鞋徒步), both lined with giant sequoias. 前往约塞米蒂山谷,在公园里进行一次更长的冒险, 或者继续探索古朴的淘金热小镇格罗夫兰和库尔特维尔.

Sierra Vista Scenic Byway
Prime Season: June through October

沿着森林道路行驶,你可以看到大约一个世纪前的高山是什么样子——这意味着你将穿过一些土路, 太. 从弗雷斯诺东北45英里的北福克镇附近的81号森林公路开始,沿着 路线 大约90英里. Views 包括 plenty of peaks, granite domes, 和 conifer forests; prime stops 包括 杰西·罗斯小屋, which dates back to the 1860s; 和 2700岁的 牛蒡树, one of the world’s oldest sequoia trees. 在琼斯杂货店买一块馅饼犒劳自己.

Fresno Blossom 和 Fruit Trails
Prime Season: February through September

在冬末,弗雷斯诺以东的这个环线变成了彩虹,横跨了数英亩的土地 盛开的水果 和 nut trees—like almonds, peaches, plums, 和 cherries. By early summer, the local 水果市场 are stocked with the juicy harvest. Start in Fresno, east of Highway 99, 和 follow the 路线, including State Route 180, through the charming towns of Sanger, 橙色湾, 我从来, Kingsburg, 和福勒. Don’t miss stops like Fresno’s Simonian农场, a 1901 fruit st和 housed in a giant red barn; the aromatic Orange Blossom Trail from 橙色湾; 和 雪松景酒庄 在桑格,你可以品尝到用稀有的阿利坎特Bouschet葡萄酿造的红葡萄酒. 让塞尔玛镇成为世界葡萄干之都, 看看老式火车和里德利的果园 Hillcrest农场.

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Highway 101 from 马里布 to Lompoc
Prime Season: Year-round

这段101号高速公路与1号高速公路的部分路段重叠,为你提供了一次最受欢迎的海滩和葡萄酒之乡的公路旅行. 从图标开始 马里布, 高速公路沿着崎岖的圣莫尼卡山脉的底部,然后穿过奥克斯纳德, 文图拉, 然后是田园诗 圣芭芭拉分校. Look west, out over the water, for signs of Channel Isl和s National Park 和 walk in the s和 on one of 圣芭芭拉分校’s local 海滩, such as El Capitán, Refugio, or Gaviota. 高速公路随后转向内陆,穿过起伏的牧场,开往隆波克. 最著名的是它的夏季花田,隆波克也有优质的黑皮诺. Sample a few at the 隆波克葡萄酒区,由领先的精品生产商经营的一系列品酒室.

Rim of the World Scenic Byway
Prime Season: Year-round

For more than 100 miles, 狭窄的18号国道环绕着圣贝纳迪诺山脉的悬崖, through small villages on the way to 大熊湖, 和 offering such panoramic views that it’s been dubbed The Rim of the World. '停止 包括 箭头湖 (稍微绕到173号州际公路上),还有半英里长的教育公路 红杉小道 at Heaps Peak Arboretum. For big views, keep driving 去小镇 跑泉 和 take the winding, five-mile drive up to Keller Peak Fire Lookout, with expansive views of mountains, 湖泊, 和—on a clear day—the Pacific Ocean. 继续前进 大熊 for water sports 和 hiking in the summer, 或者在冬天玩雪,还有全年美味的自制软糖 北极软糖 & 冰淇淋公司.

Surf Safari through Orange County
Prime Season: Year-round

这条横穿橙县的无止尽的夏日之旅从一号公路的南部起点开始: 丹娜一点, a harbor town with excellent 观鲸 在冬天. Head north to cruise through art-gallery-lined 拉古纳海滩, home of summer’s Pageant of the Masters Tournament, then stop for a walk on one of the state’s prettiest 海滩 at Crystal Cove State Park. 接下来,转到 纽波特比奇, known for both its yacht-充满了港口和诱人的冷冻香蕉和奶油巴尔博亚棒. Finally, cruise through 杭廷顿海滩—dubbed Surf City USA—和 try catching a wave yourself, or watch the experts from the bustling Huntington Pier.

Beach-to-Desert Drive from San Diego
Prime Seasons: Late Winter 和 Spring

从海岸到山脉,然后在这个风景丰富的南加州之旅中穿越沙漠. 从 海滩 of La Jolla or Del Mar, take State Road 56 east to 67号公路蜿蜒穿过拉莫纳乡村,沿途点缀着农场摊位. Then turn onto Highway 78 and into the Cuyamaca Mountains 向 朱利安这座山城以苹果作物而闻名(因此也盛产苹果派,比如在纽约的苹果派) 朱利安 Cafe 和 Bakery). 然后沿着弯弯曲曲的路慢慢回到沙漠,这里有60万英亩的土地 Anza-Borrego Desert State Park 每年2月和3月左右,这里都会盛开野花. Stay the night at a local hotel like La 佐罗之家一定要熬夜:博雷戈斯普林斯是一个国际黑暗天空社区,以它的 史诗般的空想.


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